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Privacy Notice Safe ID



Below you find information about how MyData ApS (”Safe ID”, ”we”, ”our”, ”us”) processes your personal data when you interact with us on our website Safe and use the services that we provide via the website (”Services”).


Your privacy is important to us. This privacy notice describes how Safe ID processes your personal data. If you have any questions related to the notice or our processing of personal data, please contact us at contact@Safe


Safe ID is the data controller

Safe ID is the data controller in relation to our processing of your personal data, which means that Safe ID is responsible for processing your data in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation, GDPR. You can contact us as follows:


MyData ApS


Kannikegade 4 3. Sal

8000 Aarhus C

Tel.: 60202000


From where do we collect your data?

When you interact with us through our web or mobile applications, we collect the information that you provide to us. If you choose to use our Services, we also collect the information that is required for setting up a user account with us.


By providing the Services we assist you in monitoring unwanted or unauthorized use of your data. We do this monitoring through screening of data available at credit information agencies and authorities, and through screening data that may be available via Deep Web and Darknet.


What data do we process, and why do we process it?

Enquiries via web or mobile applications


If you contact us through our web or mobile applications, we process the data that you provide to us and which we need to be able to handle your request. In general, this is basic information such as your name and your contact details (email address, postal address and / or telephone number).


Data processed within the Services


If you choose to use or services, we will need to process the following categories of personal data to be able to set up a user account: name, address information (email/phone/postal address), social security number, credit card information.


When providing the Services, we may also process data found in our screening of unwanted/unauthorized use of your data. This may involve information from authorities such as changes of address, changes in information about you as a representative of a company, and information about you linked to user accounts for various types of digital services that you use.


Legal basis and the purpose of processing your data

Enquiries via web or mobile applications


When you contact us through our web or mobile applications, we process the data that you provide to be able to handle the enquiry or request that you send to us. The data may also be used to communicate with you about offers, news and our Services. The legal basis for our processing of your personal data is our legitimate interest.


Data processed within the Services


To be able to provide the Services to you we need to process certain data about you, this processing is made with the contract between you and us as legal basis.


We also process your data to develop and customize the Services and its functionalities. The data may also form the basis for product and customer analysis, statistics, and business and method development. Furthermore, data may be processed for the purpose of ensuring that we have performed the Services correctly and to communicate with you about offers, news and our Services. This processing activities are made with our legitimate interest as the legal basis.


Finally, some of your data may be processed for the purpose of our compliance with applicable regulations, such as regulations on accounting and tax. The legal basis for these processing activities is our legal obligation.


For how long do we keep your data?

In general, we retain your data as long as it is needed for the purposes for which the data was collected. The data is thereafter deleted or anonymized.


Data provided in questions and enquiries that you submit to us through our web and mobile applications are deleted (or anonymized) within 12 months from when we have closed the matter which the data relates to.


If you use our Services, your data will be deleted (or anonymized) within 12 months from when you no longer is registered with us as an active user. Data that we must retain according to applicable law is kept for as long as the law provides for (which, for example, means that information that we must keep due to accounting legislation is retained for 7 years).


With whom do we share your data?

As a general rule, we do not share your personal data with third parties, which means that your data is secure with us. However, to the extent a disclosure necessary for our provision of the Services, for example for billing purposes, we may disclose a limited amount of data to business partners. Furthermore, your data may be disclosed if required by mandatory law, or if such disclosure is necessary to protect our or a third party´s legal interests.


Where is your data processed?

Your personal data is processed within the EU/EEA.


Your rights as a data subject

As a data subject, you have certain rights in relation to our processing of your personal data. If you would like to exercise any of your rights, please contact us at


Right of access: You have the right to get informed about the personal data we process about you, including the purpose of and legal basis for the processing.

Right to rectification: If you believe that we are processing inaccurate personal data about you, you can ask us to correct it.

Right to restrict processing: You can request that we restrict the processing of your personal data. As an example, this can be relevant if we have incorrect data about you and you do not want the processing to continue until we have corrected the data.


Right to erasure/right to be forgotten: You can request that we delete your personal data. Although we will comply with such a request to the extent required by applicable law, please note that we, despite your request, may continue to process certain data (such as data that we need to retain in order to protect our legal interests or that we are required to retain pursuant to legal obligations).


Right to object: In connection with the processing of personal data based on our legitimate interest, you have the right to object to the processing of your personal data. If your privacy interests outweigh our interests in processing certain data, we will stop processing such data.


Right to data portability: You may have the right to receive personal data that you have provided to us in a structured, generally accepted and machine-readable format, and you may also have a right to transfer this data to another data controller.


Want to know more?

If you have any inquiries regarding our processing of your personal data, do not hesitate to contact us at


If you are not happy with us

If you are not happy with how we process your personal data, please contact us at You may also contact the Swedish Authority for Privacy Protection at


This privacy policy applies from 10/12-2022.

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